For about 6 years, I couldn't wait to get out of Karachi and go off to university, get away from home, meet new people in a new place.
However, the typhoid has altered my brain chemistry. I realised that next September, I wouldn't be home. And I was like "OMG. MOMMY. WHAT WILL I DO WITHOUT MY MOMMY??" And I wanted to bawl.
What is wrong with me?=\
Paket Wisata Bromo Kawah Ijen Tour Murah Terbaik
2 years ago
All your irrational fears and your emotional hysteresis can be attributed to one fact, and two (or three, depending on how you count them...) physical representations of that fact.
The fact: You're a woman.
The reps: one's between your legs, the other(s) is/are on your chest.
*rolls eyes*
Jee nai.
Hahah I actually do not know yet.
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